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"die Redaktion"

(the editorial office)

The improvisational theater group played long and short forms together for 9 years. I was there from start to finish and, among other things, was also the club's president. In addition to our own shows, we played for weddings, birthdays, stag parties, insurance companies and company events.

Improtheater Show, Impro, Improvisationstheater, Improvisation, Auftritt, Gaswerk
Improtheater Show, Impro, Improvisationstheater,  Improvisation, Auftritt



Benevol "voluntarily on the way"  - Winterthur


1 piece - Winterthur Archhöfe Platz


1st Winterthur Improv Festival - Theater am Gleis


The Hinztagram family,  Casino Theater Winterthur

Rieter - Graduation ceremony for graduates

Mechatronik Winterthur (MSW) – Apprentice graduation party
Helvetia Insurance – management team event
Family Forum Rapperswil-Jona – General Assembly
Center for Contemporary Culture Jona (ZAK) â€“ Culture Night Rapperswil-Jona
Culture Commission Salenstein – 50 years of Seegfrörni (cultural event)

Nürensdorf School - Violence Prevention
Kulturbau GmbH – Theater sport match (organizer)
University Hospital Zurich  - team event
Klimalandsgemeinde – promotional appearances in the old town of Winterthur
MyBluePlanet - Switching Day


Theater am Gleis, Winterthur
Casinotheater, Winterthur
Gaswerk Cultural Center, Winterthur
Old Barracks, Winterthur
Lokremise, St. Gallen
Chancellery Club, Zurich
Merkker Kulturlokal, Baden
Flosserplatz, Aarau
Salenstein multi-purpose hall, Salenstein
Kunst(Zeug)haus, Rapperswil-Jona
Frjz, Uster

Improtheater Show, Impro, Improvisationstheater,  Improvisation, Auftritt, Theater am  Gleis
Improtheater Show, Impro, Improvisationstheater,  Improvisation, Auftritt, Theater am Gleis
Improtheater Show, Impro, Improvisationstheater, Improvisation, Auftritt,  Improduo
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